INTERPOL Virtual Academy

Global Policing Local Impact

Empowering law enforcement through INTERPOL and the Virtual Academy

As the world's largest international police organization, INTERPOL plays a vital role in facilitating global cooperation and innovation in law enforcement. With 196 member countries, INTERPOL provides a unique platform for sharing knowledge, expertise, and best practices to combat transnational crime and keep communities safe.

At the heart of this effort is the INTERPOL Virtual Academy, a cutting-edge online platform that brings together law enforcement professionals from around the world to learn, share, and collaborate. As a key partner in the Virtual Academy, the International IP Crime Investigators College (IIPCIC) is proud to contribute to this global effort, providing specialized training and resources to combat intellectual property crime and other emerging threats.

Learn more about INTERPOL's mission, the Virtual Academy, and how IIPCIC is working together with law enforcement agencies worldwide to fight the global trade in illicit goods, and build a safer, more secure future for all.