Frequently Asked Questions

What is the International IP Crime Investigators College?

The International IP Crime Investigators College (IIPCIC) is a fully interactive on‐line IP crime training facility which benefits law enforcement and stakeholder groups worldwide. INTERPOL works in cooperation with UL Standards & Engagement to deliver this important crime‐fighting tool.

On successful completion of the training, students may download an IIPCIC Certificate, recognized by INTERPOL, which provides IP crime professionals with evidence of specialist awareness and learning on the subject of transnational organized IP crime.

What is the mandate of IIPCIC?

IIPCIC is mandated to develop, coordinate and administer training programs to support international efforts to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute transnational organized IP crime.

What is the mission of IIPCIC?

The mission of IIPCIC is to educate global law enforcement and stakeholder groups to effectively combat transnational IP crime.

Will the courses be available in a variety of languages?
Course Languages Available
IIPCIC Introductory Curriculum Arabic, English, French, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish
IIPCIC Intermediate Curriculum Arabic, English, French, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish
IIPCIC Advanced Curriculum English, Mandarin, Spanish
IIPCIC Specialized Curriculum for Customs Arabic, English, Mandarin, Spanish
IIPCIC Specialized Curriculum for Prosecutors English, Spanish
Industry-Specific Courses Various

IIPCIC aims to provide online training in a number of languages to reach our global audience.

Many organizations already provide similar training; in what way is IIPCIC different?

Other organizations provide intellectual property related training specifically aimed at the needs of their constituent membership. For example, police receive training which is directly related to their role including some aspects of IP crime. However, there is no one-stop training capability servicing the needs of all IP crime investigators. In the absence of this specialist knowledge it is difficult to coordinate and facilitate joint enforcement actions by police, customs, prosecutors, regulatory authorities, and other government agencies, etc.

IIPCIC fills this void by ensuring that all public sector IP crime investigators have a common understanding of the problems facing them; are aware of each other’s competencies and roles; know what intervention strategies and tactics work; and, are better able to work together in partnership in enforcement operations to achieve agreed objectives.

Will other public sector organizations and individuals that have specialist knowledge on the subject be able to contribute to the development of IIPCIC?

We recognize that there is a wealth of knowledge on the subject and many renowned organizations already have developed excellent training resources. Of these, several have provided material and made subject matter experts (SMEs) available to contribute to the development of the College.

What is the cost to take the training?

All police officers, customs officers, prosecutors and regulatory body representatives can be able to take the training without charge.

What topics are covered?

The IP Crime training modules cover a variety of topics including:

IIPCIC Introductory Curriculum:

  • Introduction to Intellectual Property Crime

  • Organized Crime Funding & IP Crime

  • Effective Partnerships in Combating IP Crime

  • For a complete list, click here

IIPCIC Intermediate Curriculum:

  • Integrated IP Crime Law Enforcement Strategies

  • Protecting Trade Secrets

  • Investigation & Evidence Gathering

  • For a complete list, click here

IIPCIC Advanced Level Curriculum on Investigating Online Counterfeiting and Piracy:

  • Investigating Online Infringement

  • Online Distribution of Counterfeit & Pirated Goods

  • Digital Crime Scene Management

  • For a complete list, click here

Specialized Curriculum for Customs Officers:

  • An overview of intellectual property rights (IPR)

  • International supply chain management

  • Government agency cooperation

  • Customs best practices

  • IPR risk management

  • For a complete list, click here

Specialized Curriculum for Prosecutors:

  • Copyrights

  • Trademarks

  • Trade Secrets and Patents

  • Penalties

  • Alternative Charges and Related Offenses

  • For a complete list, click here

Industry-Specific Modules for Law Enforcement:

  • Electronics

  • Apparel

  • Beverages

  • Audio Visual Internet Piracy

  • For a complete list, click here

What if my organization does not have the technological resources to access the course?

IIPCIC will develop materials and offer support to enable all relevant organizations to have access to the training modules. Our ultimate goal is to deliver user‐friendly training globally, regardless of an organization’s technological resources. This aim presents many challenges especially in countries where there is not a modern communications infrastructure. We will examine how best to overcome these obstacles by providing access through the INTERPOL network.

How can the International IP Crime Investigators College help me do my job better?

IIPCIC training is specifically designed to provide investigators with the necessary skills in IP crime prevention, detection and investigation. Integrated training and operations are the central themes of all INTERPOL strategies. Successful students will be able to demonstrate with their certificate that they have successfully completed an INTERPOL recognized course of professional studies on the investigation of transnational and organized intellectual property (IP) crime.

What role does INTERPOL play in IIPCIC?

INTERPOL is the world’s leading international police organization with more than 190 member countries. INTERPOL has established a reputation for providing regional and global leadership by coordinating and facilitating cross‐industry law enforcement interventions into transnational organized IP crime. These have been consistently employed in all regions over a number of years. INTERPOL provides global IP crime leadership and is one of the driving forces behind the development and delivery of IIPCIC to ensure it meets partnership needs and expectations.

For more information visit

Who are UL Standards & Engagement and why are they involved?

UL Standards & Engagement is a public charity and not-for-profit company focused on advancing UL’s global safety mission of building safer living and working environments. UL Standards & Engagement promotes safe working and living environments for all people through research, standards development, education & advocacy. UL Standards & Engagement is committed to working with stakeholders and dedicates significant resources to help combat intellectual property (IP) crime on a global basis.

For more information visit

Taking the online course was a very eye-opening experience. I have recommended the course to my colleagues and other law enforcement professionals. Thanks again for the wonderful experience. Investigative Analyst,
U.S. Department of Homeland Security